Codeforces Round #704 Div2 Solutions - Implementation problems
This round of Div2 is easier than average. Every problem is not so complex. Most of them are thinking or implementation problem. Not hard, just have many small logics.…
This round of Div2 is easier than average. Every problem is not so complex. Most of them are thinking or implementation problem. Not hard, just have many small logics.…
Solution Let's consider the scenario $n=2$. Because at most change two elements. So the most number of different points is 4.…
Solution Better to be classified as implementation problem. Lots of details. Get Lots of WA. Attention: You are not allowed to use leading zeros for $x$ and $y$.…
Solutions for A, B, C and D in Codeforces Round #712 Div2.…
Fixed two colors cross-painted until one of the colors fills the half of the map. After that, the remaining half can be filled with one of the remaining two colors base on the input.…
This round of Div3 is interesting. Problem G is a basic DP + number theory + very strict time limit. The problem F is a complex implementation problem. The problem D sounds like DP. But actually just a greedy and binary search problem. Interesting.…
All construction problems. The construction problems test the thinking ability and IQ the most. But the problem is that I'm not good at both of it. I'm 蒟蒻.…
Solution Let's consider three points first. three point can build a triangle. So at most 1 angle equal or more than $90^\circ$.…