Codeforces Round #719 Solutions

A. Do Not Be Distracted!


Scan the string. When we found a new letter, we skip the continually same letter. And mark this letter should not present again. If it presents again, then output "NO".


Submission #115214999 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

B. Ordinary Numbers


Construct beautiful numbers within 9 digits from 1-9. Count the number if it less than n.


Submission #115220496 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

C. Not Adjacent Matrix


Fill in the numbers along the diagonal. Take $ n = 5 $ as an example:


Submission #115233844 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

D. Same Differences


Transform the equation, then we get $a_j - j = a_i - i$. So, scan the array, count the number of every $a_x - x$. And calculate the sum of $C_n^2$.


Submission #115239792 - Codeforces
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community

E. Arranging The Sheep

In fact, it depends on how many sheep go to the left and how many sheep go to the right.

Codeforces Round #719 Arranging The Sheep - Sort
Solution:We define the data structure below: static class Sheep { int suppose_pos, pos;}suppose_pos represent the position of this su

F. Guess the K-th Zero (Easy/Hard Version)

Binary search. Query the range $[1,mid]$. But it will change the number in hard version. And we need plus one for some of our caches. So, of course, it's a segment tree problem.

Codeforces Round #719 Guess the K-th Zero (Hard version) - Segment tree
SolutionBase on the easy version, we still binary search in the hard version. So, we query the sum of $[1, mid]$.Now the problem is, after each time, we need change the element from 0 to 1.

G. To Go Or Not To Go?

I solved similar problem before. Do BFS from starting and ending point first. Then we consider if use the transport portal or not. I remember last time, I also get TLE by using Dijkstra.

Codeforces Round #719 To Go Or Not To Go? - BFS
Solution:This is a shortest paths problem. But do not use Dijkstra or SPFA to solve this problem. Because the time complex is $O(nm\cdot log(nm))$. Can get TLE with an extra $log$.